Health benefits of salajeet for women during menstruation


During menstruation, aching pain in your belly, lower back, hips, inner thighs. This pain can be mild to severe. In an extreme case, you feel an upset stomach sometimes with vomiting, headaches, nausea, and loose stool.

The thing is menstruation cramps happen because of contractions in the uterus, or womb, which is a muscle. If it pacts too strongly during your menstrual cycle, it can press against nearby blood vessels. This for a short time cuts off the supply of oxygen to the uterus. It’s this lack of oxygen that causes your pain and cramping. However, with time, this pain reduces and even it may stop after the birth of your first child.

Still, I can feel you; you want to avoid period pain at any cost.  It annoys you; makes you feel sick and causes mood swings too. Sometimes you want to withdraw working and just be limited to your bed and lay down and weep and bleed. First of all, this is the lack of energy in you.

benefit of shilajit for women

Health Benefits of salajeet for Women

You can overcome it easily if you start your daily dose of Salajeet. Salajeet in Pakistan is a natural source of energy and has an amazing effect on all body systems. There are several main benefits of salajeet for women’s health. It can increase energy and vitality in women. It is excellent for working women since it provides the capability to endure various strenuous physical activities. It also provides relief from premenstrual syndrome and regulates the menstrual cycle. Secondly, if pain continues, along with salajeet you should start a weekly exercise as well it relieves period pain, if it does not help do take some rest when needed, avoid foods with caffeine and salt, stop drinking alcohol and stop smoking as well during your monthly cycle and do massage your lower back and abdomen. Placing a heating pad or warm water bottle on your tummy can also relieve pain. However, if nothing of this work for you then do consult with your doctor it can be a problem with your reproductive organ.


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