Effective Use of an Emerald stone in Astrology

Emerald stone bears various benefits and make good events happen in your life. People with weak Mercury in their chart are suggested to wear this stone to increase their mental ability. However, this gemstone is considered as the birthstone for people born in the month of May and for those born under the Cancer signs. But it brings good fortune for Virgos and Gemini’s if they receive this precious Gemstone in Pakistan as a gift.
zamurd stone in pakistan

This beautiful and auspicious stone consists of silicate of beryllium and aluminum so it is a mineral compound. Its color varies from deep green to light green.
Zamurd stone in Pakistan represents Mercury which correlates intellectuality, memory, and fluency. If you are suffering from the stammering problem and low confidence then you can wear this gemstone. Also, it is highly beneficial for orators.
But before wearing this green gemstone one should consult an experienced astrologer because this gemstone is not suitable for every zodiac sign.
Wearing an Emerald for the astrological purpose will bring peace, prosperity, love, and good fortune. But if you want to be blessed with all these celestial powers then you need to wear natural or certified gemstones in Pakistan. There are lots of counterfeits and imitation emerald are available in the market. Hence it will be great if you buy this tone from a reputed seller or have it checked by a jeweler.
Emerald stone in Pakistan should be more than 2 carats if you are wearing it for the first time. For maximum benefits wear it into gold or silver. You will get expected results within 45 days after wearing this stone. It remains active until 3 years. Always wear this stone according to the accurate process otherwise you will face bad consequences.
It should be worn in the ring made of gold in the little finger. The most auspicious day to wear this stone is Wednesday.
This gemstone in Pakistan easily breaks so proper care and handling are very important to prolong its life. Remove the ring when you are doing some kind of rough work like playing sports, working in the garden and cleaning the dishes, etc. Always use lukewarm water without any soap to clean the emeralds. Never expose this stone to ultrasound waves. Emeralds are also sensitive to heat. Protect them from intense heat; otherwise, they can become white and cloudy or even break.


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