Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits

It is a known fact that dry fruits and nuts are packed with essential nutrients. Though available in small packages, they are an abundant source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Right from skin benefits to medicinal benefits, dry fruits and nuts give you every reason to include them in your diet.
Dried fruits are very popular for a lot of reasons! Eating fruit is linked with improved health and provides several essential minerals, vitamins, fiber and phytonutrients that you need every day. Dried fruit does not spoil as rapidly and is an easy food to pack, particularly for activities like hiking!
Some of the amazing health benefits of eating dry fruits are:
Good for your Heart
The greatest way to prevent cardiovascular problems, dry fruits and nuts help decrease the chances of coronary heart problems. Nuts such as cashews contain mono-unsaturated fats or the healthy fat that endorses cardiovascular health. Whereas pistachios contain vitamin B6 that prevents heart problems, dates protect us from atherosclerosis, which is one of the foremost causes of strokes.
Improve Hemoglobin and Prevent Anemia
Considered as a rich source of potassium, vitamin A, fiber, and copper, prunes help in maintaining high energy levels, while cashews with high copper concentration aid in power generation. Almonds, in particular, assist in the formation of new blood cells and are extremely effective in maintaining and improving hemoglobin level.
Prevent Anemia with high iron levels, dry fruits like prunes, apricots and raisins are essentials to prevent anemia. Dry fruits have ideal levels of vitamins and minerals and are a natural solution for weight management.
Maintain Cholesterol
Dry fruits are a main portion of your daily diet – they help to maintain your cholesterol level. While cashews contain zero cholesterol, pistachios contain fats that are helpful in decreasing high cholesterol levels. Rich in iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, raisins promote blood circulation. A daily dose of almonds, pistachios and raisins will go a long way in maintaining your cholesterol levels.
But keep in mind; dried fruits are rich in calories as they are more concerted once the water has been removed. Weight for weight, fresh fruit will have little calories than its dehydrated version. 100 grams of fresh plums cover only 46 calories, while 100 grams of prunes (dried plums) have 240 calories. It is also essential to note that some vitamins are lost through the drying process. For the same fresh plums, you are eating 16% of your daily needs for vitamin C, but when dehydrated, you are getting only 1%.
It is also significant to note that a single serving of fresh fruit is 1 cup, but when fruit has been dry, a single serving is only one half of a cup. When you are choosing different dried fruits, make sure to read the packaging label. Look not only at the appropriate portion size, but also what else has been extra added to the dried fruit. 
There are few online dry fruits sellers who have the original products and often have extra sugar added to increase the flavor and draw the water from the microbial cells, thus protecting it from spoilage. Look for labels that say "no sugar added," or the dried fruit might be a treat rather than healthy food. Various dried fruits will be hard to find without added sugar, particularly cranberries, pineapple, and bananas. The additional commonly added ingredient is sulfur dioxide that works to preserve the fruit and prevent discoloration. dry fruits products are 100% natural that eliminates the hassle of getting natural and organic food. Order now and get original and best-budgeted price products online.


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